I invented this recipe on vacation when the produce stands were overflowing with young, tender zucchini and yellow squash. The secret is the sun-dried...
A tangy sweet glaze to accompany roasted chicken. Perfect for the holidays! Easy to make without any preservatives. Makes a luscious gravy too! This glaze...
This combination of sour cream with tomatoes brings about a delightful, smooth, creamy creation. Feel free to modify to your taste buds! Serve with or...
I created this recipe because raising a family isn't cheap and cabbage is. To make this a one-dish meal, substitute the bacon with a pound of coined Polish...
When I first began my career as a cook in San Francisco, I remember talking with a Chef about an upcoming menu on which he was thinking of using polenta...
This is my version of a cranberry relish that my mom made when I was a kid. If you can, make it 1 or 2 days in advance, as the flavors need to mellow a...
This was my great-grandmother's recipe handed down from generation to generation. This was always served on special occasions. It was one thing us kids...
A delicious creamy topping for chicken or fish. Can be served cold or hot. I personally prefer it cold on top of hot broiled lemon pepper mahi mahi with...
I love Japanese chicken teriyaki, but I find most recipes lack a little pizzazz. This recipe has even the most finicky of eaters in my household cleaning...
Vibrant and fruity, this dressing requires no whisking, drizzling, or machinery of any kind, just a jar with a lid. This 'make and shake' method should...
Sweet potatoes at their easiest! The potatoes slices need to be in single layer against the pan, not on top of one another. Great for a dinner party! Herbes...
When I'm cooking corned beef, watching it simmer in the aromatic broth, I'll sometimes close my eyes and picture the delicious plate of food I have coming....
Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same without this recipe! We could do without the turkey, but not grandma's sweet potato casserole. Believe me, you will love...
Great on a salad. All of my family save there bread then bring there old bread to me. I freeze the bread then when we all run out of croutons. I will make...
I like to serve this easy summer-vegetable dish with grilled chicken and rice. I suppose you could switch the type of seasonings you use if you'd like...
My Great Great Grandmother used to make this when I was young, and it has always been a favorite of my Atlanta and Alabama relatives! I learned how to...
Learn how to make Authentic Spanish Rice aka Mexican Rice at home! Ready in less than 35 minutes. The perfect side dish to go alongside beef, chicken or...
My 'Black Cumberland' version of the traditional red currant Cumberland sauce, uses black currants and some very browned onions. Serve this sauce, hot...
Butternut Squash Gratin with Leeks, Sage and Walnuts - a delicious vegetarian side dish, highlighting the best of fall ingredients, worthy of the holiday...
This method of preparing carrots will have us all eating like Bugs Bunny! Preparation time: 10 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and...
I've made this delicious side dish for many occasions and I always get compliments. This comes in handy around the holidays but really, is a great way...
I used to believe the best baked beans came from Boston or Texas, but ever since I discovered this very hearty giant bean casserole, I have to give it...
My entire family has always hated yams until I made this dish 15 years ago. Now everyone looks forward to this dish during the holidays. However, I do...